Monday 26 March 2012

Popcorn rich in antioxidants

Popcorn is good for you. Yes, believe it or not, a new study in the United States has found that popcorn is rich in polyphenols — antioxidants that prevent damage to cells. In other words, it is beneficial to macular degeneration patients. 

But before you order an extra large bag in the movie theatres, the nutrition is not in the white fluffy part, smothered in oil, butter and salt. It is actually in the hull of the popcorn. 

Polyphenols are concentrated in hulls because popcorn doesn't have a lot of water and because it's 100 per cent whole grain. Some other foods that have polyphenols, such as fruits and vegetables, contain a lot more water.

One serving of popcorn has up to 300mg of antioxidants - nearly double the 160mg for all fruits per serving, said researchers. 

Click here and here to read more.

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