Tuesday 19 March 2013

Sharing on new year hopes

By Peh Shing Huei
MDS Secretary

The Macular Degeneration Society kicked off its events for 2013 with an intimate sharing session last Saturday on members' wishes and hopes in the new year. Among the ideas exchanged were the events which members hope MDS can organise in 2013 and beyond. 

Sharing sessions should be a regular feature because it is in line with the objectives of the MDS, set up in 2007 to facilitate like-minded patients of macular degeneration share about their experiences and offer mutual support. Hence, a suggestion was mooted to have an event where our members would form a panel - a panel of "expert patients", if you would. Each expert patient can share on a particular slice of treatment for macular degeneration. 

For example, one could talk about the experiences of going through Lucentis treatment. Another can discuss about trying Avastin. Others can also share experiences of traditional Chinese medicine etc. It can be an event which MDS organise later this year or in early 2014. 

In addition, members also expressed a keen interest to find out more about the latest research, especially in stem cells. MDS organised a well-received stem cells talk last year by Dr Mandeep Singh and will aim to have more updates on this exciting and ground-breaking field. Click here to read our report from Dr Singh's talk in 2012.

Last, a member who was not able to attend the meeting said through e-mail that she hoped that we can have another session to teach members on eccentric viewing. We had a good event on that in 2011. Click here to read about it. But it will certainly be useful to bring it back, by popular demand! 

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